Posted by: iamlillian | December 10, 2008

Patiently i wait

‘One thing at a time…’ i keep telling myself as i gather my scattered thoughts…penning down the ‘to-do’ list…

‘so much to do, yet don’t know where to start…how to manage…’

‘the uncertainties..the possibilities…random thoughts swimming in my head…awww….i need to be still…i really need to depend on you, Lord.’

‘In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free. the Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’ 

-Psalm 118:5-6

i realised something…

i need to pray…

on my knees…

That’s where i find peace.

‘Thank you, God for ocf friends who prayed for and with me. Thank you for the reminder again and again…to trust in you’

* i’ve just submitted a job application…leaving the rest to God.

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